●  in every painting  ●

My goal is to create an opportunity for you to find your own story in dialogue with painting, 

FIND COMMON vibration and joint positive mood 

Soul shining 

Style and details

Confusion of feelings 

Texture and details

Details of artwork

  The world brings neither good nor evil by itself. He is indifferent to humans. 

Everything that happens around us is just a reflection of our own thoughts

feelings, desires, actions

The world is a big mirror  

Close your eyes and imagine the sun rays over a wide-open country field

Painting is made using a multi-layer paint technique

A million multi-colored splashes are dry before each subsequent coat.

Every sunrise marks the beginning of a new day. It also reminds us that we, too, can start fresh with a good attitude, positivity, and gratitude. Next time you will see a sunrise, remember about gratitude and something positive that you want to add to your life. 

●  SUNSHINE in every SOUL ● 

This silence, this moment, every moment, If it's genuinely inside you, brings what you need. 

Only in quietness do we possess our own minds and discover the resources of the Inner Life.

We need quiet time to examine our lives openly and honestly - spending quiet time alone gives your mind an opportunity to renew itself and create order. 

With this painting, your dawn can be several times a day and several times a day you can make new wishes and goals)  

A foretaste of the SEA ● 

Who starts a new day with a meeting with the sea, 

always are happy and calm. It does not matter whether the summer or winter sea.

When the soul is filled with beauty - the whole world is changing ....